Paket Fun Game Wisata Pacitan

Short Fun Game ( Max 2 Jam)
50.000/orang (Minimal 20 orang)
- Fun property
- Air mineral
Contoh game:
1. Ice breaking
2. Group dynamic
3. Groups competition
- moving ball
- moving water
- words and actions
- write and draw
(Game akan di sesuaikan dengan karakter dan cluster peserta)
Character Building (Tematik 1 Day )
Air mineral
- Cofe Break
- Lunch
Ex plan:
- Opening ceremony 30'
- Lce breaking + Group dynamic 20'
-Leadership 60' (explain, discuss)
-Break 10'
- Problem solving (game, discuss) 90'Ishoma
- Goals and commitment 90'
- Clossing ceremony 40'
- Tematik 1 day